Each month, our expert team at Linea review the top employment law queries arising from our Linea members and take the time to detail responses.
Your Top 5 Employment Law FAQs for November 2023:
1. Explain the difference between a lay-off and short-time? 2. What does ‘Secondment’ mean to Employees? 3. How do Employment Permits apply in Ireland? 4. What are Rest Break entitlements? 5. What is Workplace Mediation?
Each month, our expert team at Linea review the top employment law queries arising from our Linea members and take the time to detail responses.
Your Top 5 Employment Law FAQs for November 2023:
1. Explain the difference between a lay-off and short-time?
2. What does ‘Secondment’ mean to Employees?
3. How do Employment Permits apply in Ireland?
4. What are Rest Break entitlements?
5. What is Workplace Mediation?