Linea Leader Webinar: Elevate Your Workforce – The Art of Talent Development

In the creation of Talent Development Strategic Initiatives, HR Leaders must ensure that any initiatives put in place will support the realisation of the Organisation’s Strategy in terms of the required future skill-sets and current skills gaps.

A clear picture is required of what will be possible within existing resources and where external Talent solutions may be needed to fill identified existing or likely emerging skills gaps.

Choosing Talent Development initiatives in a strategic manner, aligned to the Organisation’s Strategic Priorities will support the best return in terms of Organisational performance and success and will ensure that the Organisation is better equipped to adjust in an agile manner to changes in both the external and internal context.

This webinar covers:

  • Key components of Talent Development
  • Practically Implementing Talent Development
  • Challenges…and Solutions!
  • Implementing Proactive Strategies for Talent Development
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