Webinar On Demand Series – July/August 2024

Webinar On Demand Series – July/August 2024

This Summer, we are giving you the chance to access our most viewed Linea webinars so far in 2024.

Our Webinar on Demand series offers full access to the two most popular Linea webinar recordings to date in 2024.

Available to view from July 1st, the first webinar examines the recently introduced work life balance rights and accompanying Code of Practice.

> Webinar 1:
WRC Code of Practice on Rights to Request Remote and Flexible Work – Key Employer Considerations

New rights to request remote work and flexible work arrangements are now in force and the Workplace Relations Commission has also published the Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Right to Request Flexible Working and Right to Request Remote Working.

This webinar covers:

  • Details of the processes regarding making and managing requests for flexible working and remote working including when changes are sought or made to the agreed arrangement
  • Guidance for Employers on objective, fair and reasonable decision-making when considering requests for flexible working or remote working
  • Practical guidance on best practice for Employers to ensure compliance with the legislation
  • What to include in workplace policies and procedures for dealing with flexible working and remote working requests


And available to view from August 1st, the second webinar deals with how to maintain an effective absence management system.

> Webinar 2:
Absence Management: Approaches, Compliance And Managing Atypical Scenarios

Organisations that have an effective absence management system in place can identify absence patterns, support Employees that need time to deal with health issues and benefit from having clear procedures in place to deal with unauthorised absence or inappropriate use of sick leave schemes.

This webinar covers:

  • How to Approach Long-Term and Short-Term Absences
  • Record Keeping and Identifying Absence Patterns
  • How to Manage Unauthorised Absences
  • When to Use Disciplinary Procedures
  • When to Use Capability Procedures
  • Discrimination Risks
  • How to Manage Atypical Scenarios including Elective Surgeries and Annual Leave Demand in the Summer month

Our Linea Webinar on Demand series campaign has now ended.

If you would like to avail of a complimentary Live demonstration of the Linea platform, please click here